Start earning as a creator with Rigi

Launch paid WhatsApp & Telegram groups, host live zoom classes, courses, paid 1-to-1 interaction and more with Rigi!

  • Multiple, Automated Features To Earn Income

    Rigi offers different channels for content creators and influencers to start earning income and monetize their community.

  • 24x7 Customer Support

    Receive robust customer support for queries, guidance and grievances anytime you want.

  • Grow Income and Increase Reach

    Gain Access to Rigi’s Affiliate Program which can multiply your revenue and increase the reach of your content.

  • Free Marketing Consultation & Guidance

    Get help from Rigi affiliated experts on building your online presence and community.

Join Rigi Family

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  • Grow Income and Increase Reach

    Gain Access to Rigi’s Affiliate Program which can multiply your revenue and increase the reach of your content.

  • Free Marketing Consultation & Guidance

    Get help from Rigi affiliated experts on building your online presence and community.

  • Multiple, Automated Features To Earn Income

    Rigi offers different channels for content creators and influencers to start earning income and monetize their community.

  • 24x7 Customer Support

    Receive robust customer support for queries, guidance and grievances anytime you want.