Earn with
One-on-one Interactions

Rigi allows you to host personalized sessions for paid consultations, fan interactions, personal mentorship and much more. Rigi automates the process of hosting one-to-1 sessions to seamlessly allow you to interact with your most valued community members.

Create A Paid One-to-One Interaction In Just 3 Steps:

1. Create Rigi Account

Install Rigi App and create Rigi account with your mobile number

2. Add Details

Enter Details For Your Session including Topic, Duration etc.

3. Make a Payment Plan

Set a custom price for users to book your sessions.

Rigi Makes It Easy To Earn With One-to-One Interaction

Earn From Personalised Interactions

Rigi allows you to have personalised interactions with your most loyal community members.

Automated Scheduling and Management

Rigi seamlessly automates the process of scheduling sessions for both you and your valued customer by booking calendar slots and sending notifications.

Multiple Channels For Interaction

Offer One-to-One sessions on Video Call, Audio Call and even in a written Q&A format. This allows you to monetize your interaction in different formats, and even price it at differing levels to increase your revenue.

Hassle-Free Payment Collection and Tracking

Payment collection from sales of your digital goods is now a seamless process with Rigi. You can also track and analyze your earnings with Rigi’s Creator Dashboard feature.

Benefits Of Paid One-to-One Interaction On Rigi

Completely Free To Create

Frictionless User Onboarding

Multiple, Secure Payment Options

Earn For Your Valued Time and Skillset

Guides To Get Started

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